Jaguar Citizenship

Jaguar Citizenship

Cultivating Responsible Citizenship


In an effort to encourage and reward positive citizenship in our students, students will receive grades for citizenship. Citizenship grades are viewable through the PowerSchool application in Rapid Identity. At the beginning of each trimester, every student starts with satisfactory citizenship. Throughout the trimester, students that exemplify outstanding citizenship may earn and outstanding citizenship grade.  However, students that are not behaving respectfully or responsibly may earn a citizenship grade of unsatisfactory, or in extreme cases may earn a needs improvement. This system is intended to provide students immediate and gradual feedback with respect to their overall citizenship and behavior. We believe that students learn from mistakes, and this feedback on those mistakes will assist in the learning of acceptable behaviors.

This also provides parents and students with a quick and understandable gauge of how a student is performing as a LJMS citizen. We encourage conversations between students and families regarding positive citizenship and offer positive rewards, known as Jag Paws, for exceptional displays of good citizenship. Students earning more than one "unsatisfactory" or "needs improvement" in their classes will not be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular or co-curricular school activity until the student improves their citizenship grades in the classes of concern. When a student is suspended from school, their citizenship grade will be reported as " needs improvement".  When a student receives a truancy notice, their citizenship grade will be reported as " needs improvement". Students can earn rewards and celebrations as they consistently earn citizenship grades of satisfactory or outstanding. 

Nurturing Safe Learning

Disciplinary action may be taken as is deemed appropriate, per California Education  Code 48900 and 48915, to maintain a safe and productive learning environment.

We encourage all parents to login to CRPUSD Rapid Identity and PowerSchool to access their child's current citizenship grades. Instructions and passwords are passed out during Cornerstone week.  If you did not receive this information, contact us.

Citizenship Grade Procedures

Students must earn the privilege of attending dances, participating in after-school activities, and attending class field trips throughout the year. Satisfactory citizenship grades are required for eligibility for all campus and extra-curricular activities. The following standards apply:


Sports/extra-curricular activities. Students must be in good standing.  They must not have received any  truancy notices, must not have outstanding detention hours or owe fines, and must maintain satisfactory or better citizenship grades in 5 or more classes in the  preceding official grading period. A grading period is defined as the officially scheduled report card or progress report card.  

Co-curricular (Trips)

Students are permitted to participate if they have been adhering to school discipline and safety guidelines for the 15 days prior to the scheduled trip.
Ways to improve your citizenship grade: 

  • Parent Signature returned
  • Completing all assignments in a week
  • Random act of kindness
  • Helpful to substitute
  • Class job performed during school day
  • Volunteer to be a peer tutor at lunch or after school
  • Plus, you can earn Jag Paws!
Positive citizenship that students initiate
  • Before school, after school or lunch jobs in the classroom  Organize books, clean, dust, wash lab equipment, catalog or inventory class materials
  • Students can work in the library before school and during lunch- they just need to sign up with the Library Technician.
  • Voluntary campus beautification (litter pick-up)
  • Students work with the Assistant Principal on Tuesday or Thursday after school, students need to bring a parent note for permission to work from 3:00-4:00pm. Work session needs to be scheduled with the Assistant Principal at least 24 hours in advance.

To regain satisfactory citizenship status, a student must first approach the staff member who reported their citizenship is unsatisfactory or needs improvement. 

Citizenship grades may only be given by LJMS staff members doing LJMS approved or sponsored activities.