Each Member Each Voice!
Lawrence Jones Middle School (LJMS) has a Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions, please contact our PTSA President via email at: LJMS_PTSA@CRPUSD_ORG. Better yet, attend one of our monthly meetings. Hope to see you there!
One hundred years ago, Alice McLellan Birney said, "Let us have no more croaking as to what cannot be done; let us see what can be done, and above all see that it is done."

Why a Parent Teacher Student Association?
The PTSA is committed to increasing parental involvement in support of LJMS faculty, staff, parents, and students. Research indicates parent support helps to provide the best learning environment possible for students to be academically successful, and we think that's important.
Get Involved with LJMS PTSA. Parents, guardians and students are encouraged to join. Each paid membership gets one vote when it comes to deciding on fun and important activities throughout the school year, but membership is not required if you would like to attend to see what it’s all about. To become a member, sign up here: https://jointotem.com/ca/rohnert-park/ljms-ptsa

Volunteering and Board Member Commitment
Additionally, we are always on the lookout for volunteers either as Board members, committee members, or to help with activities. We are always seeking required positions of President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Also, we are seeking optional positions of Financial Secretary and a Membership Chair position to complete the five member Board.
LJMS PTSA association meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Location to be updated, could be virtual or in person. Your school principal, Melissa Quinn, will send out the meeting links prior to the meeting. Be sure to watch for her important school and PTSA messages throughout the school year. Our valuable Board member volunteers connect on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to conduct PTSA business where we follow up on the ideas and actions from the association meeting and bring the fun activities throughout the year to life!
For more Information
- For more information, feel free to join our Facebook Group located here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ljmsptsa
- If you would like to volunteer for a Board position, or if you have any other questions, please email us at LJMS_PTSA@CRPUSD_ORG