Supporting education and exploration.
Capturing the passion for learning . Our core subject areas include English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Explore: Exploring is an integral part of our program. We believe students benefit from hands-on learning both inside and outside the classroom. Students spend time outside
of the classroom working in the field and engaging firsthand with subject matter experts. The ExL teachers challenge, support, and inspire the students to realize their potential.
Learn: Students learn core academics and the arts through interdisciplinary projects to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter. We believe that students of all
learning styles and abilities not only can learn, but want to learn. Students learn a wide range of content and skills and they regularly have the opportunity to apply their learning in
real-world contexts.
Connect: Service learning is an important element for academic achievement. Each trimester, students reach out and engage in their community by connecting with local
organizations. Students contribute to their community through volunteerism and experience the benefit of helping their fellow citizens. Students gain experience that is impossible to teach in
a classroom.
Act: Integrating service projects into the curriculum and expeditions allows ExL students to put their learning into action. The ExL program is designed to meet the needs of
hardworking, active middle school students. Students work together in groups on classroom projects, planning expeditions, and helping each other succeed.

We’ve done our best to answer the questions that we get asked most frequently. If your question isn’t below, or you would like more information, please reach out to us. We love to tell people about the program!
What is the process to apply for ExL?
To apply for ExL, students and families need to complete an application. The application consists of a student essay and a teacher recommendation. Applications are due no later than 10am on Friday December 20th.
Parent Info night will be on 11/20 from 5-8 in the LJMS theater
Do I need to live in the CRPUSD boundaries to attend ExL?
All students are encouraged to apply for ExL regardless of their home school district. Some students may need to complete an Intra-District Request (to be completed when the student lives outside of the schools attendence zone. To see your schools attendence zone click here ), and some students may need to complete an Inter-District Request (to be completed if family does not live within the boundaries of CRPUSD). Both of these forms are attached to the ExL Application.
Can my student participate in sports/activities and be in ExL?
We encourage students to be active members of their community. We have had many successful students who have played sports and excel in the ExL program. Students also participate in other after-school activities such as the school play, school clubs, and other interest groups. Student will need to communicate with their coaches and teachers to coordinate expeditions with games/performances/functions. ExL works with students to accommodate scheduling needs.
How can I support the ExL program?
CRPUSD pays for teacher salaries, health benefits, classroom equipment and furnishings as well as school textbooks and materials. Expedition costs and other materials required to run a successful program are funded by family donations and supplemented with Expeditionary Learning Parent Association (ExLPA) fundraising. Families may be asked to donate up to $140/month per enrolled student from August - May. This donation request may change based on scheduled expeditions for each year.