

Browse Our Most Asked Questions

What is Project-Based Learning?

Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges, simultaneously developing cross-curriculum skills often while working in small collaborative groups. 

Because project-based learning is filled with active and engaged learning, it inspires students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. Research also indicates that students are more likely to retain the knowledge gained through this approach far more readily than through traditional textbook-centered learning. In addition, students develop confidence and self-direction as they move through both team-based and independent work.

Who do I contact if I have a question about the ExL Program?

Parents should contact the ExL board by sending an email to

How do I know who is on the ExL board?

The current board members are listed in here within the ExL website. You can reach them by sending an email to

What kind of expeditions will there be?

There are a variety of expeditions that correlate with the curriculum being taught in the classroom. For a list of trips, click here.

Do students need to attend all expeditions?

Yes, we require students to attend all expeditions, as it is part of the ExL curriculum.   Work completed at the expedition will be part of their grade.

What if my child can't attend an expedition?

If a student can't attend an expedition due to illness, they will complete other school work related to the trip.

How will I be kept informed of upcoming expeditions, fundraisers etc?

We encourage parents to attend the parent meetings that are scheduled throughout the school year. These meetings provide updates to the ExL program, as well as upcoming expeditions, and fundraisers.  They provide a venue to answer any questions as well as to mingle and talk with other parents.

Why can't students take ice-chests/coolers during camping expeditions?

We don't allow ice-chests/coolers because ice melts and it may cause food to spoil.

What if my child has a sports event during an expedition, how can they attend both?

Parents should work with the teacher to make arrangements for students to attend both events.

Fingerprinting for Chaperoning Overnight Trips – What Do I Do?

If you plan on attending an overnight trip, you need to be fingerprinted through the District. Fingerprints taken through other agencies will not be accepted. You only need to get fingerprinted once, not every year. It is advisable to get fingerprinted as early as possible because it can take up to 30 days for prints to clear. Contact the District Office at 792-4720 if you have questions.

Here is an excerpt from the Parent Handbook with more information:

Fingerprinting for Overnight Expeditions

It is highly recommended that parents interested in going on an overnight school field trip start the fingerprint clearance process well in advance. While prints typically clear relatively quickly, there can be delays of up to 30 days. All chaperones must have fingerprints taken by Live-Scan seven working days before the field trip they wish to accompany. There are no exceptions.

If for any reason a parent's fingerprints do not clear, the District will notify the school administrator. The school administrator will only be told that the prints did not clear. The school administrator
will contact the parent and tell the parent that his/her fingerprints did not clear and that they will not be allowed to go on the field trip. It will be left up to the parent what they tell the teacher why he /she will not go on the trip.

  • Parents go to the district office Human Resource office located at Mountain Shadows Education Center.
  • Complete paperwork
  • Pick up forms for Live-Scan/Ameri-Prints and will be charged $47 (check or cash)
  • Go to Live-Scan/Ameri-Prints and turn in form
  • Fee $25 must be paid to Live-Scan/Ameri-Prints
How many expeditions do I need to chaperone?

We encourage parents to volunteer to chaperone at least one expedition. It provides an understanding of the kinds of activities students complete on an expedition.

What do chaperones need for an overnight trip?

The packing list for chaperones is similar to the packing list for students. Chaperones do need to bring their own tent or coordinate sharing a tent with another chaperone, and while they do not need to bring a mess kit (meals are provided), they should bring a cup for warm beverages in the morning. On many expeditions, a camping chair is also a good thing to have.  See our Expeditions Equipment List here.

Is fingerprinting for chaperones required for every trip?

Fingerprinting is required only once through our District. Once you are fingerprinted and cleared, you don't need to complete this step again. Fingerprints taken through other agencies will not be accepted.

Can grandparents chaperone expeditions?

Grandparents and other guardians can chaperone expeditions. They must be finger printed and cleared at least 7 days prior to the date of the expedition.

How many fundraising events do I need to participate in?

We encourage parents to volunteer for at least 2 fundraising events. There are many ways parents can participate. Please work with the fundraising event coordinator for ways you can help.